Before you start any remodel or building project it is good to assess what is the most sustainable and green approach for all phases of your project. Whether you plan to build with The Big Room, utilize another contractor, or do it yourself, investing in getting information and recommendations is important.
Many contractors take the easy and cheapest route and aren't educated about the most sustainable practices and products - but, with the right information, you can request the products you'd like used. And if you are doing the project yourself, save yourself the head scratching and research time and have John go through a sustainable checklist with you.
He'll educate you, point you to where to purchase products and even assist the contractor of your choice with product and design selections. |
"Humanity, in the desperate attempt to fit 8 billion or more people on the planet and give them a higher standard of living, is at risk of pushing the rest of life off the globe."
- E.O. Wilson
“In the US, construction and demolition debris amount for 20% of all landfill waste.” – Construction and Demolition Waste Management Guide (Did you know that 85-90% of construction disposable is recyclable?)